books that inspire us

books that inspire us

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Homework due Friday May 7

Please print out a copy of what you have written so far on your short story. Bring it to class. We will read them and give each other feedback on what we have so far.


  1. 1. born 1914
    2. attended the 1937 international congress of anti-facist writers in spain.
    3. became one of the founders of a the mexican magazine, taller, in 1938
    4.became mexican ambasador to india in 1962
    5. won nobel prize in 1990

    1. independence from spain on september 27, 1821
    dos(haha). the two year war with the US in 1858
    3.the archbishop of Austria, Maxamillion is sent by Napoeon to invade mexico and is eventualy defeated in 1867
    4. the mexican revolution begins in 1910 and ends in1917
    5. government killing of protesting students in 1968

  2. Maria Elena Cruz Varela:

    1. Attacked in her home by the government on Nov 21, 1991. Almost forced to eat her own manifesto.
    2. Sent to jail for 2 years.
    3. All copies of her first book were destroyed
    4. In 1989 she received an award from the National Union of Cuban Writers and Artists. She was later thrown out of the group.
    5. Placed under house arrest.

    Cuban History:
    1. Cuban War of Independence (1895–1898). Freedom from Spain.
    2. 28 October 1492, Cuba was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
    3. Cuban Revolution in 1959. Overthrew Fulgencio Batista.
    4. The US broke diplomatic relations on 3 January 1961.
    5. In 1886, slavery was abolished.;col1

  3. Shu Ting

    1. Cultural Revolution
    2. Sent to the country side because her father was accused of political nonconformity and began to write her own poetry/read foreign poetry
    3. 1979 began publishing g her poetry
    4. 1983 asked to join official Chinese Writers' Association
    5. 1981, 1983 won the National Poetry Award

    The Vintage Book of Contemporary Wold Poetry

    China History

    1. 1796 White Lotus Uprising signals ante-Manchu unrest and social decay
    2. 1849-42 Opium War ended with the "Treaty of Nanjing"
    3. 1900 Boxer Uprising
    4. 1912 Establishment of Republic of China
    5. 1958-59 The Great Leap Forward


  4. Antjie Krog:
    1. Born October 23, 1952 in Kroonstad, Orange Free State, South Africa
    2. In 1969, she published her first recognized poem
    3. Since 1973 (till today) she has won/ achieved over fifteen world renowned awards
    4. In 1998 she delivered a speech at the Conference of Women and Violence organized by the World Bank in Washington D.C.
    5. Also in 1998 Antjie Krog published her most famous book 'Country of My Skull', and its an attempt to reappraise the country's past since the collapse of the apartheid regime without bringing anyone to trial.

    South African History:
    1. 1948- 1994: The Apartheid system (a legal racial segregation enforced by the National Party government) was underway. Blacks didn't have the same rights as whites did.
    2. 1957: The UN requests that south africa reconsiders their apartheid system
    3. 1960: Sharpeville massacre, Police shoot and kill an estimated 69 people who were part of a demonstration against pass laws, in which all black South Africans needed a passbook to be able to travel about their own land
    4. 1961: South Africa becomes a republic
    5. 1994-1999: Nelson Mandela was the president of South Africa

    ~Tara McBarnet~

  5. Claribel Alegria:

    1. Born in Esteli, Nicaragua
    2.. Her family was forced into political exile when she was less than a year old.
    3. Moved to Santa Ana, El Salvador, which she has since adopted as her own. (b. 1924)
    4. Came to the United States in 1943 and studied at George Washington University.
    5. 1978-she was awarded Cuba's Casa de las Americas Prize.

    Mcclatchy, J.D.. "Claribel Alegria." The Vintage Book of Contemporary World Poetry. 1 ed. New York: Vintage, 1996. 509-518. Print.

    Nicaragua History:

    1. First settled by the Spanish in 1522.
    2. Won independence in 1838.
    3. Nicaragua's politics were dominated by a competition for power between the Liberals and the Conservatives for the next century.
    4. Gen. Anastasio Somoza Garcia was dictator from 1936 until he was assassinated in 1956.
    5. Gen. Anastasio Somoza Garcia was succeeded by his son Luis until his death in 1967.

    El Salvador History:

    1. 1525- Pedro de Alvarado, a lieutenant of Cortes's, conquered El Salvador.
    2. Declared its independence from Spain on Sept. 15, 1821.
    3..1969-invaded Honduras, "football war," broke out during a soccer game between the two countries.
    4. 1979 to 1981- 30,000 people were killed by right-wing death squads backed by the military.
    5. Jan. 16, 1992, the government signed a peace treaty with the guerrilla forces, ending the 12-year civil war which had killed 75,000.

  6. Shuntaro Tanikawa

    1. Born December 15, 1931 in Tokyo, Japan
    2. He was still in junior high when World War 2(1939-1945) took place.
    3. Won the American Book Award in 1989.
    4.Nominated for the 2008 Hans Christian Anderson Award for his contributions to children's literature.
    5.Directed a Japanese film called "Yah Chayka!" in 2008.ō_Tanikawa

    1.Britain, Japan, France, Italy and the USA sign the London Naval Treaty, an agreement to reduce naval warfare. 1930
    2.Nationalist military officers assassinate prime minister Inukai, attack banks and police stations. May 1932
    3.Germany and Japan sign the Anti-Comintern Pact (de facto, an anti-Soviet pact). Dec 1936
    4. Japan establishes the "Unit 731" research laboratory for biological warfare in Harbin, China, and tests biological weapons on war prisoners (10,000 die). 1939
    5. Japan attacks the USA fleet at Pearl Harbour. Dec 1941.


  7. Brandon

    1. Born in 1931.

    2. Took part in an International Writing Program in Iowa University 1969.

    3. Composed and directed an Opera in College.

    4. Became a teacher at University College, Nairobi in 1971.

    5. Died of liver infection July 20, 1982.'Bitek

    COUNTRY: Uganda.

    1. 500 B.C. Bantu speaking peoples migrated to Uganda.

    2. 14th Century three kingdoms were established in Uganda; Bunyoro, Ankole, and Buganda.

    3. European traders and Arabs came in 1844.

    4. Uganda became independent on Oct. 9, 1962.

    5. Sir Edward Mutesa, the king of Buganda was elected the first president.

  8. Brandon umm my author is dead, so is there another way for me to earn extra credit??

  9. Veronica Volkow:

    1) She was born in 1995.
    2) Earned her Masters in Comparative Literature from Columbia University.
    3) In addition she has published La Mordedura de la Risa, a study of the graphic works of Francisco Toledo, and has contributed to catalogues devoted to the works of Arnold Belkin, Christine Couture and Nicholas Sperakis.
    4) She has also received awards from the University of Iowa's International Writers' Program, and from the Mexican Writers' Centre
    5) She has published a number of translations, including a substantial volume devoted to Elizabeth Bishop

    1) 1910- The beginning of Epic Revolution.
    2) 1911- Mexico's dictator, Porfino Diaz, is overthrown.
    3) 1913- Madero is assassinated. Victoriano Huerta seizes power.
    4) 1916- US forces cross the border in pursuit of the guerrilla leader Francisco "Pancho" Villa.
    5) 1920 - Carranza is murdered. Civil war follows.

    Ciara Thyne

  10. Wole Soyinka
    1. Born July 13, 1934 in western Nigeria
    2. Survived the Nigerian Civil war
    3. Was arrested for writing in article about cease firing during the Nigerian Civil war
    4. Got his doctorate in 1973
    5. was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1983

    Nigeria Major Events
    1. Portuguese start trade with Nigerians. this was the introduction of white people into Nigeria.
    2. Fought in the Napoleonic War.
    3. Gained independence from british in 1960
    4. Nigerian Biafran War
    5.1970 Oil Boom. Outsiders raced to get oil from Nigeria.

  11. MRS. SEFTON IS THE BESTESS!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Gu Cheng

    1. Born in Beijing 1956
    2. Gives introduction speech for the poet Yang 1979.
    3. Reads at Woodland Pattern Book Center, November 18, 1988.
    4. Attacks and kills wife. Commits suicide. 1993.

    1. 1839- Chinese wars
    2. 1895-Sino-Japanese war
    3. May 1, 1931. China holds meeting to make constitution.
    4. March 28, 1979, China invades Vietnam
    5. November 23, 2003. Japan issues peace with China.

  13. Cecilia Meireles

    1. Born in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil 1901-1964
    2. Devoted her professional life to journalism, teaching, library work, and educational reform at the Normal School in Rio 1917
    3. Nominated twice for the Noble Prize
    4. Her complete works appeared in 1958
    5. Suicide of her husband in 1935


    1. Portugal Brazil Independence War 1821-1825
    2. On September 7, 1822, the country declared its independence from Portugal.
    3.Brazil was discovered by the Portuguese on April 22, 1500, by Pedro Alvares Cabral
    4. End of slavery 1888
    5. From 1889 to 1930, the government was a constitutional democracy (the Old Republic)

    Twentieth-Century Latin American Poetry

  14. information about author could not be found

    1. Kapu system abolished June 1819
    2. Iolani Palace completed December, 1882
    3. Republic of Hawai`i declared July 4, 1894
    4.Hawai`i becomes territory of the United States through the Organic Act imposed on Hawai`i 1900
    5. United States claims Hawai`i as a state of the union after illegal "plebiscite" vote is held, which does not offer the option of independence, as required by international law August 21, 1959

    Keoni Grundhauser

  15. I believe that the most important event in my poet's life was in 1959 during the Cuban Revolution. It was in this time frame that her writing style changed from introspective and meditative to more political. It was not simply her views and beliefs that changed but also her whole character in general. She became more active in her efforts to open her reader's eyes to the sufferings of women and those struggling against war and poverty around the world.

  16. The most important event in my poets life is when she was arrested for writing against the Cuban government. Her arrest was very dramatic, and included her being handcuffed and the police trying to feed her the manifesto she wrote. She was beaten for seven days before she had a trial. The trial ended with her being convicted. She then spent two years in prison. Much of her poetry is about the government and her imprisonment. However, much of it is still in Spanish.

  17. One of the most important happenings in my poet's life was in 1938 when he was arrested for stirring up the Turkish armed forces to the point of a revolt. He was sentenced to nearly thirty years in prison.

    John B

  18. The significant event in Cecilia Meireless's life would be her parents and her first husband's death. Her father died 3 months before her birth(1901), her mother died when she was 3 years old (1903), and her first husband committed suicide from suffering acute depression (1935). In response to the loss of her loved ones, she changed her style of writing from "the visionary exoticism of earlier Brazilian poets towards more internal themes of time, change, and mortality." Her poems are focused on the themes of the change in time and the meaningless in life. This made her want to write poems about ideal solitude in a timeless universe.


  19. Brandon

    The most significant event in Okot P'Bitek is when he wrote Song of Lawino and it was published in 1966. This is the most important event of my poet's life, because this is the poem that made Okot known world wide. After this poem people really started to read his work. It was the final breakthrough that got his career started.

  20. In my opinion, I believe that the most significant event that took place in my poet's life would be World War 2. My reason is because this event had a very powerful impact on people all over the world. It was especially traumatic because of the bombing that took place in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan went into a time of depression yet, Shuntaro Tanikawa was still able to write poems and they dealt with world issues. Not only was he able to continue writing, he was also able to develop a style of poetry that combined traditional Asian style and western style of poetry. With his writing, he was able to bring about a "Universal Consciousness."


  21. the most importaint event for octacio Paz was mosltlikely the 1937 anti-facist writer's congress in spain. this was an importaint event because it was when his writing career realy started. this convention helped him come under the public eye as a writer with great potential. this trip also inspired a collection of poems called "Bajo tu clara sombra y otros poemas." this collection was mainly about his travels in spain durring its civil war. also durring this trip, octavio was exposed to some surrealism poetry, which greatly influenced his work.


  22. I believe that the most significant event that Shu Ting underwent was the Cultural Revolution in China. At the time she was only in high school. During these years her father was accused of political nonconformity. This lead to the family being sent to the country side to work in factories and mills of different sorts. However, though this time was bad and hard for Shu Ting, she also was able to grow. This was the time that she was introduced to foreign poetry. Simply reading these poems caused Shu Ting to want to write her own poems. China's cultural revolution was what enabled Shu Ting to begin what would soon be a great life. I think that her poem "Assembly Line" portrays Shu Tings feelings during the cultural revolution.

    Assembly Line

    In time's assembly line
    Night presses against night.
    We come off the factory night-shift
    In line as we march towards home.

    I think this is showing her frustration and obedience to the ruling power. It shows that she know what the government is doing and that the people are simply following along with it. But at the same time it shows her hope.


  23. I think that the most important event in Gu Cheng's life was when he published his first set of poems in 1986. After this he started to experiment in different styles. I think that his first set of poems most likely set the foundation for his career. With his well established foundation he went on to be a well known Chinese poet. However, his life came to an end after committing suicide.

    There are no poems that show his response to the event.

  24. A very important/ emotional time in Antjie Krog's life was when Nelson Mandela was released from prison, and after the first few weeks he formed the "truth and reconciliation commission." In which people guilty to inhuman acts during the Apartheid years before admitted their guilt, and begged for forgiveness from those they had victimized. Antjie Krog is not only a brilliant poet and writer, but she is also a journalist. She was a journalist for SABC, and she covered the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It was very emotional for her to listen to all of the grievances and suffering of the people, and she felt deep sadness for all of the bad things that happened in her country. She also felt in awe of President Mandela because he was so forgiving, and forward thinking~ and she later translated his book "Long Walk to Freedom" into Afrikaans.

    Country of Grief & Grace:
    By: Antjie Krog

    Between you and me
    how desperately
    how it aches
    how desperately it aches between you and me

    so much hurt for truth
    so much destruction
    so little left for survival

    where do we go from here

    your voice slung
    in anger
    over the solid cold length of our past

    how long does it take
    for a voice
    to reach another

    in this country held bleeding between us


  25. I think the biggest event in my authors life would have to be being awarded by Iowa's International Writers' Progam and Mexican Writers' Centre. I picked these two because it shows that for her many years of writing and translating she was finally awarded. She started off writing poems at a very young age so it shows that she really has a passion for it because she's stuck with it for so many years. She wrote many collections of books and translated a lot too. So she really did deserved to be awarded for her literature.

    Ciara Thyne

  26. in my opinion the most important point in Gabriela Mistral's life was when she won the nobel prize for literature. she received this award after she published her book Desolacíon. i think this was the most important time in her life because it was really the first time she was honored for her work.

    Octavio Paz is known around the world as one of the greatest surrealist poets and writers of the 20th century. he was born on March 31, 1914 in Mexico City. Paz's most famous poem is Sun Stone, which has roots in aztec beliefs. Octavio traveled in 1937 to the international congress of anti-facist writers in Spain, and on the same trip, was exposed to surrealism in france. Octavio co-founded the Mexican magazine Taller, or "workshop". paz married the writer Elena Garro, now concidered one of Mexico's Finest writers. Paz also was mexico's ambasador to india, and wrote many famous works in the forighn country, including EL mono Gramatico, and Ladera este. in 1990, Octavio Paz recieved the nobel prize in literature, securing his name as one of the greatest modern writers. he died in mexico city in 1998. for my essay i will focus on forming an event around what might have happened on a day durring his travels in war torn spain based on a poem paz wrote at the time.

    Okot P'bitek was a poet born in Uganda in 1931. Throughout his life, he taught many classes at many different universities, and published many works of art. He later died on July, 20 1982. Out of all of the sifnificant events in this man's life however, the most important of all must have been when his first poem, The Song of Lawino, was published. This is for sure the most important moment. Of Okot's life, because after a lot of hard work this is proof that it payed off. It also was the first work of his that was published, and it is what got his career moving.

  29. Shu Ting is the pen name for Gong Peiyu. She was born in 1952. Her home town is Fujian, China. During her life, Shu Ting faced many challenges and managed to overcome them. When she was only in high school the Cultural Revolution was racing ahead. Her father was accused of political nonconformity causing the whole family to be forced out to the country side. The family was also forced to work in factories and mills while in exile. These hard times were what ultimately introduced Shu Ting to poetry. She began to read foreign poetry and write her own. The poems that she wrote went on to be award winning literature and the cause of her success winning the National Poetry Award in 1981 and 1983. Her poems are often romantic and are thought of as a reaction to the repression of romance in all things during the Grea Proletarian Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). The following story will explore the possibilities of the day that Shu Ting and her family were sent to the countryside.


  30. Shuntaro Tanikawa was born on December 5, 1931. He had grown up in Tokyo City, Japan. He lived a fairly common life and had a passion for writing. When he was still a young boy, World War II took place. From this point, Japan's citizens experienced hard times where they had to constantly be afraid of the possibility that there will be a bombing. The situation only became worse when American Bomberes dropped two atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan had entered where people were hopeless, yet, Shuntaro Tanikawa was able to continue with his passion for writing. Shuntaro Tanikawa has now become one of the most well known poets in both Japan and America. He mainly writes about the problems that are in the world and because of it, he has won many awards. The following story is a speculation of the day that the atomic bomb was dropped in Hiroshima.


  31. Cecilia Meireless was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in the year of 1901. She grew up as an orphan. Her father, Carlos Alberto de Carvalho, died 3 months before she was just born. Her mother, Mathide Benevides, died when she was 3 years old. Cecilia also had 3 brothers but they all died before she was born. With no family left behind, she was soon raised by her grandmother Jacinta Garcia Benevides as her guardian. Once she grew up she discovered her passion for poetry. She made her debut in 1919 at the age of eighteen. Once her grandmother died in 1932, Cecilia had some of her poetry focus on the themes of passing of time and the meaningless of life. She wrote her poetry in Portuguese and was considered as one of the most important Brazilian poets. The story below will be focusing on the probable day of Cecilia’s orphanhood.


  32. Maria Elena Cruz Valera was born in Colón, Cuba in 1953. She is a strong woman who fights what she believes in. When she was a young child, Fidel Castro rose to power. Through her childhood, she began to rebel against the government. Maria fought against Fidel Castro and his unfair treatment of the people. A group that she was apart of wrote a manifesto that demanded government reforms. She handed them out in the streets to passing citizens. A couple day later, a mob attacked her in her home and dragged her into the street. They shoved the manifesto into her mouth, trying to make her eat it. Maria was then thrusted into a jail, where she waited to face trial. The following story is a speculation of what happened on those days, and the many painful ones following.

  33. Gu Cheng was born in China in the year 1956. He grew up in a prominet family. With his father as a famous poet, he was forced to live under the influence of poetry at a young age. However, when his family moved to Shandong, he says he learned his poetic ways from studying nature. When he grew up he embraced the life as a poet. Writing many different poems he continued his works throughout his life. Right or wrong, his poetry has flowed and has impacted many people in different ways. After getting married, he and his wife moved to New Zealand in 1987. However Cheng, diagonsed with a disability, attacked his wife and committed suicide after killing her. The following may have occured to him leading up to this tragedy.

  34. Veronica Volkow was born in Mexico and has done many different poems in Spanish. Starting off writing poetry at such a young age she has learned more about poetry. But she does not only write poems, she also is a photographer. Another thing that Veronica does is translating. She has translated many different poems by many different authors. By doing these things she has become a better writer. That is why she was awarded by the Mexican Writers' Centre. A truly amazing award and it is even more phenomenal that she got award by her own country for her poetry.

    Ciara Thyne

  35. Claribel Alegria was born in Nicaragua in 1924. That same year she moved to Santa Ana, El Salvador which she adopted as her own country instead. Alegria was writing since she was six years old.She was forced to live in exile since her father was a supporter to Augusto Cesar Sandino, who was thought to be a hero in Latin America but a rebellious bandit to the U.S. In 1943 she moved to the United States and earned her B.A. in philosophy and Letters at George Washington University. Alegria, has always stuck behind her own personal rule of nonviolent resistance even when she was in close works with the Sandinista National Liberation Front. This movement took control of the Nicaragua government and overthrew Anastasio Somoza Debayle in 1979, a dictator who assassinated Augusto. Alegria later returned to Nicaragua to help the country reconstruct in 1985. Within her lifetime between 1947 and 1995 she met a man by the name of Darwin J. (Bud) Flakoll, who would become her husband, publisher, and fellow writer. The following story is a possibility of one of her days after her husband had past which lead her to write one of her poems in her book "Suadade" meaning sorrow.

  36. hmmm... I don't know why this didn't show up last night when I posted it.. whatever I'll post it again then...

    Antjie Krog was born on October 23, 1952 in Kroonstad, Orange Free State, South Africa. She was born to an Afrikaner family, and grew up on a farm called Middenspruit. She has published over eight volumes of poetry, and published her first poem at the age of seventeen. Antjie has won over fifteen awards for her poetry, books, and for journalism. As a journalist she covered the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that featured Nelson Mandela. She felt very passionate about the TRC, and she felt great sorrow for the many people in her country who had faced such awful/ terrible hardships during the apartheid... and she found it especially amazing that Nelson Mandela was such a forgiving person. A common them of her poems is struggle, and the grief her country has faced. The following story is about the pain that the native black people suffered through during the apartheid, because of the Dutch Afrikaners.


  37. the car stopped. the persistent noise that came from the military truck's motor was replaced with a profound silence that engulfed our small party, the silence of space. the noon sun shown down on northern spain with the same lght that had been there for thousands of years. we were in a place of no time. the rocks themselves were the smae rocks that had been there for the was as if this palce was trapped in a bubble, secluded from the civil war that was tearing the country apart. it seemed as if the grass itself no longer grew at the pace of the pasing days. our large truck was completely out of place in a world that knew not of the intrusion of man and his war. the grassy knoll where i now stood, beside a mechanical beast, was un aware of the striffe of man, of hate, passion, and death. i stood in the silence of the wolrd, alongside my companions, as time and space passed by.

  38. Wole Soyinka was born in western Nigeria in July of 1934. Being born into a black family, Wole Soyinka was beginning the journey of a hard life. He began writing during his teen years and realized that this is what he loved to do. Wole Soyinka has lived through many hardships and two major wars, WWII and the Nigerian Civil War. He did not fight in either of them but was arrested for writing an article in which many people did not agree with. In 1986, Wole Soyinka was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. He was the first Nigerian to be so honored and one of the first African Americans to win an award as honoring as the Nobel Prize. After being acknowledged as a brilliant man, Wole Soyinka was made head of an organization called UNESCO. This organization helped insure the longevity of African Culture and was a big influence for human civil rights. The following is the day in which Wole Soyinka was awarded with the Nobel Prize.

    “I don’t know what to write my speech about!!!” Soyinka said in an angry tone.
    Soyinka had discovered that he was going to be awarded with Nobel Prize for literature just two days ago. The winner of any Nobel Prize is given about five minuets to address people he/she would like thank or address any important matters that they think should be heard. He had been given an opportunity for his voice to be heard all around the world. He could potentially influence important organizations to help Africa’s many needs. This moment could have a drastic effect on the future of Africa.
    “I have to speak about something that will touch their hearts and will make them feel as if they have intervene, I put them in the shoes of these Africans in need.

    Julian Rimm

  39. Gabriela Mistral, My poet was born in 1889. She was born in Chile. She lived in Chile for her whole life. She worked for much of her life as an educator. Before she became a poet she was a writer. One of the most impacting things in her life was that her son died. In 1945 Gabriela Mistral won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Gabriela Mistral decided to become a poet after his death and wrote almost all of her poetry on the subject of his death. This is how I imagine the day of his death to be.
